Thursday 19 September 2013


When did i know i had a palette for wine? Well it was a Sunday afternoon Sometime in April 2013. I had just completed my campus course and i was getting caught up between finding myself and getting to know what this city had for me. I had applied for jobs in virtually all places i could think of.
Well on this particular day, some friend had dropped by a bottle of some wine.I really wish i caught the name because by then i hadn't developed a penchant for premium tasting wine. I remember pouring myself a glass and sipping it. Some other friends showed up with liquor and we all forfeited the wine and put it back on the shelf.
I didnt get much time to super analyse the taste since by then wine was wine. I loved it had a sour sweet taste and it was rich .
 My friend however claims she doesnt recall which brand this was.

Five months later im here typing about it.Theres something utterly fascinating about wine in a bottle.The best thing is that I am utterly new with this. I plan to have fun as i embark on this journey to discover the myriads of brands,vineyards,countries,tastes and so much more that wine entails.
I love challenges and right now I am pretty much devoid of any information pertaining this particular industry.

Wine in Kenya is not a topic on many peoples mouths.I dont mind being a pioneer of unchatered waters.

Images are from the internet